
Save time & money across every level of your organization

Generate presentations from your Document,
PowerPoints and PDF in minutes.

Trusted by companies around the globe

Why SlideSpeak

Speed up presentation workflows

SlideSpeak AI speeds up the time to create presentations by up to 5x.

Supports PowerPoint Templates

Upload your corporate PowerPoint template to make sure your designs look impeccable. Our AI presentation platform integrates fully with your existing templates.

Corporate Identity and Design

Our custom branding features allow you to create presentations using our Corporate Identity. All presentations will contain your logo, brand colors and corporate fonts.

Integrate with your existing company data

Plug your data into our platform and generate presentations and insights from assets and documents you already have.

Fully Secure and Encrypted

Your data is stored fully encrypted and is never used to train our models. We adhere to strict security guidelines and are on track to obtain ISO27001 certification.

Feature Image
ROI Calculator

SlideSpeak AI ROI Calculator

Estimate the savings and ROI for your team using our interactive calculator.

ROI 1800%

Benefits of SlideSpeak AI

Integrate our safe and secure tool into your existing workflows


Enhance security by centralizing the authentication process and removing the possibility of password fatigue


Work with us to create your own custom solution, from inception to proof of concept we will integrate into your existing workflows


By using the OpenAI API through Microsoft Azure, SlideSpeak ensures that user data remains private and is not used for training any AI models.


We use best practices across our infrastructure and data storage. Firewall and isolated networks, Data encryption, Real-time backups, 2FA. We use best in-class security audit tools and we're on track for ISO 27001 certification

Things you might wonder...

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need to train your team to use SlideSpeak?
SlideSpeak offers ongoing support throughout our partnership including demo’s and training
Can you customize presentations?
Upload your custom company template to ensure consistent company styles on all presentations, including company fonts, colours and images
Can you integrate 3rd party applications?
SlideSpeak allows a variety of 3rd party integrations including Sharepoint and Google Drive. Reach out and let us know which apps you’d like to integrate and we’ll make it work!
What file types can I upload?
SlideSpeak currently supports Documents, PowerPoints, Excel and PDF’s
How quickly can I create a presentation?
Presentations are produced in under 5 minutes
Contact Us

See how we can help your organization

Speak to an AI presentation expert today to see how we can help you speed up your team's presentation workflows.