SlideSpeak Help Center

Reach out to the customer support team via our Live Chat or email us at We're happy to help during business hours Monday to Friday.

Common questions around our AI and how to summarize PowerPoint, Word or PDF documents.


Common questions about our AI around PowerPoint, Word and PDF documents.

How can I cancel my SlideSpeak subscription?
You can cancel your SlideSpeak subscription directly in the app. Simply log into the app and click on "Manage Subscription". Afterwards you'll be redirected to our billing provider Stripe, where you can cancel your subscription.
Do you have a money back guarantee?
Yes, if you're not happy with our service you can request a refund within 7 days after the initial purchase. Promotional offers are excluded from this.
What document types do you support to be summarized?
We currently support PowerPoint, Word and PDF documents to be summarized with our AI. Additional formats are planned and will be announced over our newsletter.