Create PowerPoint presentations with AI

Effortlessly generate presentations for any topic with AI using our ChatGPT-powered engine.

Create Presentations within seconds

Create presentations using AI has never been easier. Use SlideSpeak to generate an outline and then the entire presentation using AI. Select from multiple templates and add matching images.


AI Presentation Chatbot

Our ChatGPT-powered chatbot allows you to generate PowerPoint presentations using an intuitive chat interface. Here's how it works...

What should your PowerPoint presentation be about? Give our AI Chatbot a brief description of the topic you're trying to cover and let it generate an outline for you. Not happy with it? Provide feedback and make adjustments.


Pick from multiple templates or even specify your own (currently in beta). Our AI will then generate your presentation using layout of your template.

Use our presentation editor to make adjustments to the generate presentation. If you want to download the file as PowerPoint and edit it in PowerPoint directly that's also possible.


Here's why people use SlideSpeak

Hundreds of people use SlideSpeak AI every day to create PowerPoints and presentations.


Save valuable time. Our AI streamlines the presentation creation process, allowing you to focus on content.


Achieve professional-looking presentations effortlessly. Impress your audience every time.


Our AI uses ChatGPT under the hood. Leverage the latest AI technology to create presentations.

Questions about compressing PowerPoint

Frequently Asked Questions

Can SlideSpeak generate PowerPoint files using AI?
Yes, SlideSpeak allows you to generate presentations with AI and later download them as PPTX files (PowerPoint). You can then edit the presentation directly in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Can I add a custom PowerPoint template?
As of right now this feature is in beta. But we're working hard to allow you to specify your own PowerPoint templates so your presentations match your brand guidlines.
Do the AI generated presentations contain images?
SlideSpeak currently generates presentations that also contain images from stock photo databases. The license for these image have been cleared and are free to use for commercial and individual usage.