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Once SlideSpeak has generated your presentation, you might want to make a few edits. One area of editing that SlideSpeak supports is the ability to edit your text. Here’s a quick guide on how to edit your text on SlideSpeak.

Step 1- Hover over your text

Once you know which section of text you would like to adjust, hover your cursor over the text box. You will know this has been successful if you see a blue outline around the text.

Step 2- Click anywhere on the text box

Now you’re hovering on the text box, simply click your cursor to reveal the editing options that SlideSpeak offers.

Step 3- Decide how you want to make edits

Within SlideSpeak’s editing functionality, users can adjust the size of the text, rewrite the content with AI or manually adjust the text themselves. Simply select the box that you would like to use.

Step 4- Make your edits

This part is all down to the user. Depending on the editing option you’ve selected, you can now make your changes.

If you want to use AI to edit your content, you can shorten the text, lengthen it or ask the AI to rewrite the section all together. Once you click the AI button, you will see these options.

If you just want to make simple edits to the sizing, select the increase or decrease font size button.

Finally, if you’d like to manually adjust the text, you can select the pen icon and type new content or delete old content. As long as you click “Save” your changes will be reflected on your slide.


Hopefully you now feel confident in editing your text within SlideSpeak. Please reach out to support@slidespeak.co if you have any further questions or issues.