Convert PDF to Word Online
Our PDF to Word DOCX converter allows you to convert files flawlessly for FREE.
Convert PDF files with 1 click to Word
Convert your PDF files to Word documents online with our FREE PDF to Word converter. Easily transform PDFs into editable Word files (.docx) for revisions, updates, or formatting changes.
With our conversion tool, you can seamlessly switch from PDF to Word without losing layout or formatting.
Why use our PDF to Word converter?
Our free PDF to Word converter is incredibly quick, stores data encrypted and secure. We produce fully compatible Docx files for Microsoft Word.
Convert PDF to Word like never before
We utilize the latest technology to convert your PDF to Word. Need to edit a document but only have it in PDF format? We've got you covered. Just upload your file, and we'll transform it into an editable Word Docx document, keeping your layout and text intact.

Why our PDF to Word converter?
Our FREE PDF to Word Converter is super fast and has almost no limitations. Convert PDF to DOCX with one click. Try our tool today!
We create Word documents that are compatible with Microsoft Word. Each file we generate is a DOCX file. Simply open it with Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
Often times DOCX files are way smaller that bulky PDF files. Use our PDF to DOCX converter to reduce your files size.
We take security and privacy VERY serious. All files converted with our service are stored fully encrypted and are never shared with any 3rd party.
Need to convert a PDF to DOCX with editable text? No problem. Our converter supports converting PDFs to DOCX while retaining your text allowing you to make edits in Word.
We have years of experience building tools in the design and graphics space. Our converters have some of the highest accuracy in the market.
Collaborate in Word. Convert your PDF to DOCX and simply open it in Office365 or any other Microsoft Office product. Get started today!
Frequently Asked Questions
While converting, keep in mind that text usually transfers well, but tables and graphics might not retain their original layout or appearance. This step is crucial for editing content that was initially in PDF format, especially if it includes complex formatting or detailed graphics.