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Creating SlideSpeak AI presentations with a custom PowerPoint template allows you to produce cleaner and more consistent material. Whether it is company projects or for personal use, SlideSpeak allows users to easily upload custom PowerPoint templates.

Follow these simple steps to upload your custom PowerPoint template right away.

Step 1: Upload your custom template

Head over to https://app.slidespeak.co and log in to your account. Then click on “Custom templates” on the left hand side of the page.

Once you’re on the “Custom templates” section of SlideSpeak, select “Click to upload”.

Then select the desired template from your files. Please ensure your PowerPoint template is in the correct format (.pptx). Click “Open” to upload the template.

Step 2: Select your cover slide

After uploading your custom template, you will then be automatically shown the template customization wizard. This is where you will select your cover & content slide. These are the slide types we currently support on SlideSpeak Custom templates.

In this step we are telling the SlideSpeak AI which slide in our custom template we want to use as the cover slide. The cover slide will be the very first slide which features the title.

It’s really easy to select your cover slide, just click on the slide that you want. You will know the slide has been selected if it has a blue outline and a tick in the top right corner.

You can then click “Next” to go to Step 2 of the custom template configuration process.

Step 3: Select your content slide

The process of selecting the content slide is very similar. Again, you can just click on the slide that you want. Remember, you will know the slide has been selected if it has a blue outline and a tick in the top right corner.


You can the click “Next” to complete the process.

You can then see that the template has been added to the “Custom templates” section.

If you do not configure your template for some reason, the template will sit in your “Custom templates” section. You will have the chance to configure the template again, simply select “Configure” and you will be taken to the first step of the configuration wizard.

Step 4: Create your presentation

Now you  have configured your template you can create your presentation with your custom template.

Head back to the Home page of the SlideSpeak web app and select “Create a presentation”.

As a reminder, you can create a presentation from a document or topic. You can also redesign presentations and add in your custom template. Select whichever option you prefer.

Step 5: Select your presentation

So now you’re moving through the customization wizard of SlideSpeak. This is where you can specify the number of slides and the tone of the presentation etc.

But when it comes to the template section, you’re going to select “Custom Templates”. This is highlighted in red in the image below.

Click that button and you can view the custom templates you have uploaded. Here you can see the template you have previously uploaded.

Select the desired template and click “Next”.

You can then add your final presentation instructions and generate the presentation like you normally would.

Step 6: Preview your presentation

So now you’ve successfully used a custom template to create a SlideSpeak AI presentation. Let’s take a look at the results.

Here is the cover slide of the example template.

The content slide also looks pretty good…

Remember, SlideSpeak AI will only add the content to your template. The overall design and layout depends on your custom template and the layouts you have added. You may need to adjust your template yourself if you want to edit the layout and overall design of the slides.


If you run into any issues then please reach out to [email protected] and we will be happy to help out.